
Fundamentals of Postman

Fundamentals of Postman is a tool course, which gives you the basic knowlege on how to ensure quality with Postman when working with SOA and webservice-projects.

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97.2% recommend our courses to others.

High Pass Rate

92% of our students pass their exams.

Experienced tutors

Tutors with many years of practical experience

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Course description

Learning objectives

You will acquire a basic knowledge on how to ensure quality and Postman can be used when working with SOA and web service projects. You will be better at:

  • Working with REST-services in Postman
  • Understanding build-up and the work with services
  • Acquiring knowledge on fundamental XML, JSON, WADL, Javascript and REST
  • Collaboration with developers of web services
  • Building up efficient and structured tests
  • Maintain a self-developed API-client
  • Working with a simulation of services
  • Understanding what and where Postman can be used in your organization

Furthermore, you will get a lot of tips and tricks as well as Best Practices, which you can use when working with Postman afterwards.

Target audience

The course is for anyone in test- or development teams, who wants to be involved in designing, developing, and testing services, as well as supporting a structured and automated approach using the Postman tool. No prior knowledge of similar tools is required but a basic knowledge of web services can be an advantage – but not a requirement.

Course form

The course is 2 days where the participants through examples and practical exercises will learn how to operate and work with Postman. The course is based on an active involvement of the participants and a lot of hands-on exercises, to ensure that what is learned can be used directly after completing the course.

Course contents

The course is a good way to started with Postman and service testing. It includes:

  • Introduction to terms such as POST, PUT, GET, resources, XML, Endpoints, Payload, JSON, WADL and REST
  • Introduction to Postman and service testing
  • Structuring and building of tests with Collections, workspaces
  • Assertions in JavaScript
  • Test execution and reporting (Newman)
  • Introduction to Extended Postman-functionality (DevOps)
  • Webservice virtualization (Mock server)
  • Load & performance test with Postman (Monitors)


The course is 1 day.

Fundamentals of Postman

Fundamentals of Postman

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